Calculate your Taxi Fare Laufenburg (Baden) now!

With the official, today valid Taxi Rate Waldshut from July 2022

      Important information about taxi rides in Laufenburg (Baden)

      • Taxi tariffs in Germany are officially set by cities or districts
      • The taxi tariff Waldshut was last set in July 2022 and published in the official tariff ordinance
      • It is binding for all taxis and taxi companies within the compulsory driving area and may not be exceeded or undercut
      • This is ensured by officially calibrated taximeters installed in the taxis

      How much costs a taxi in Laufenburg (Baden)?

      The price of a taxi in Laufenburg (Baden) depends on several factors. These are the route to be travelled, the journey time and the taxi fare valid in Laufenburg (Baden) and, if applicable, the time. From these components the taxi price can be calculated. So that you do not have to do this by hand, we offer you the possibility to do it for you free of charge. Simply enter the start and destination address of the desired taxi ride in the form above. We will take care of the rest and calculate a guide price for the desired taxi ride in Laufenburg (Baden) in just a few seconds.

      How does the calculation of taxi costs in Laufenburg (Baden) work?

      In order to make a forecast about the estimated taxi price in Laufenburg (Baden), we use the current taxi tariff Waldshut. This was last fixed in July 2022. The Waldshut taxi tariff consists of a basic charge, various kilometer prices and a time-dependent component for standing and waiting times. Based on the entered start and destination address, we first determine the shortest taxi distance between these two points. We use the resulting distance and estimated driving time to calculate an estimated value for your forthcoming taxi journey in Laufenburg (Baden) with the taxi tariff valid today. Of course, the start and destination addresses do not necessarily have to be in Laufenburg (Baden). We will automatically find the right fare.

      Who sets the taxi fare for Waldshut?

      Taxi tariffs in Germany are officially set by cities or districts. The taxi tariff Waldshut was last set in July 2022 and published in the official tariff ordinance. It is binding for all taxis and taxi companies within the compulsory driving area and may not be exceeded or undercut. This is ensured by officially calibrated taximeters installed in the taxis.

      How much is the taxi fare in Laufenburg (Baden)?

      The basic fee is €4.50, the kilometer price is €2.90. For standing and waiting time, €40.00 is charged per hour.
      Surcharges may apply. You can find these on the Taxi Fare Waldshut details page