Taxi Rate Pinneberg

The currently valid taxi tariff 2) - Published August 2022 20220814)

Info about this taxi rate

Taxi tariffs in Germany are officially set by cities or districts.

The taxi tariff Pinneberg was last set in August 2022 and published in the official tariff ordinance.

It is binding for all taxis and taxi companies within the compulsory driving area and may not be exceeded or undercut. This is ensured by officially calibrated taximeters installed in the taxis.

Compulsory Driving AreaPopulation
Elmshorn 49,618
Pinneberg 43,155
Wedel 33,347
Geest und Marsch Südholstein 23,462
Quickborn 21,056
Schenefeld 19,141
Uetersen 18,429
Halstenbek 17,700
Rellingen 14,391
Tornesch 13,652
Pinnau 13,480
Elmshorn-Land 12,789
Barmstedt 10,331
Rantzau 8,740
Bönningstedt 4,545
Hörnerkirchen 3,957
Hasloh 3,623
Helgoland 1,246

Area of taxi rate Pinneberg

Taxi rate information

by day

Base fee: €3.60

Kilometer 1 - 3: €2.50

Each additional kilometer: €2.10

Waiting time per hour: €36.00

by night

Monday to Saturday from 9:00pm until 6:00am. Sunday all day.

Base fee: €3.60

Kilometer 1 - 3: €2.60

Each additional kilometer: €2.30

Waiting time per hour: €36.00

2) We last checked the taxi rate Pinneberg on October 31st, 2022. If you think that the rate for Pinneberg is outdated, you can report it via our contact form. We will then check for updates immediately.

Statistics 1)

In the ranking list of the most expensive taxi tariffs in Germany the taxi tariff Pinneberg occupies

Place 206 of 251

The basis for calculating the cheapest and most expensive tariffs is a taxi ride of 8 kilometers in the day tariff.

Distance by day by night
1 km
2 km
3 km
4 km
5 km
6 km
7 km
8 km
9 km
10 km
15 km
20 km
50 km
100 km

This table does not contain any stand and waiting times but only takes the driven distance into account.

Calculate your Taxi Fare Pinneberg now!