Taxi Statistic India

Taxi rates in India

  • Currently we have 5 taxi rates from India in our database
  • Taxi rate Mumbai is valid for the longest time (since October 2013)
  • Taxi rate Bangalore was updated last (in February 2024)

Taxi costs in India

Cheapest Average Most expensive
Base fee Rs10.00 €0.11 $0.12


Rs67.80 €0.76 $0.78 Rs150.00 €1.69 $1.73


Kilometer price 2)

per kilometer

Rs11.30 €0.13 $0.13


Rs17.64 €0.20 $0.20 Rs22.88 €0.26 $0.26


Waiting time

per hour

Rs0.00 €0.00 $0.00


Rs64.20 €0.72 $0.74 Rs120.00 €1.35 $1.39


Most expensive 3)

1. Mumbai Rs183.00 €2.06 $2.11
2. Delhi Rs160.00 €1.80 $1.85

Cheapest 3)

1. Hyderabad Rs90.40 €1.02 $1.04
2. Bangalore Rs122.00 €1.38 $1.41

2) Average kilometer price of the first 8 kilometers driven without any standing or waiting fees..
3) The basis for calculating the cheapest and most expensive tariffs is a taxi ride of 8 kilometers in the day tariff. The taxi statistics for India published here may be freely used for publications, quoting as the source.