Taxi Statistic Germany

Taxi rates in Germany

Taxi costs in Germany

Cheapest Average Most expensive
Base fee €1.70 €1.70 $1.77


€4.63 €4.63 $4.82 €60.00 €60.00 $62.42

Leer district

Kilometer price 2)

per kilometer

€0.00 €0.00 $0.00

District of Vulkaneifel

€2.82 €2.82 $2.94 €9.80 €9.80 $10.20

Leer district

Waiting time

per hour

€0.00 €0.00 $0.00


€36.03 €36.03 $37.49 €50.00 €50.00 $52.02


Most expensive 3)

1. Leer district €78.40 €78.40 $81.57
2. Wartburgkreis €31.60 €31.60 $32.88
3. Saalfeld-Rudolstadt €31.50 €31.50 $32.77
4. Weimar €31.50 €31.50 $32.77
5. Erfurt €30.70 €30.70 $31.94
6. Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald €30.00 €30.00 $31.21
7. Oberbergischer Kreis €30.00 €30.00 $31.21
8. Ortenaukreis €29.90 €29.90 $31.11
9. Emmendingen €29.90 €29.90 $31.11
10. Lörrach €29.40 €29.40 $30.59

Cheapest 3)

1. Sigmaringen €0.00 €0.00 $0.00
2. District of Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen €0.00 €0.00 $0.00
3. Enzkreis €0.00 €0.00 $0.00
4. Mainz-Kinzig district €0.00 €0.00 $0.00
5. Zollernalb district €0.00 €0.00 $0.00
6. District of Neuwied €0.00 €0.00 $0.00
7. District of Weilheim-Schongau €0.00 €0.00 $0.00
8. District of Vulkaneifel €0.00 €0.00 $0.00
9. District of Anhalt-Bitterfeld €0.00 €0.00 $0.00
10. Starnberg €0.00 €0.00 $0.00

2) Average kilometer price of the first 8 kilometers driven without any standing or waiting fees..
3) The basis for calculating the cheapest and most expensive tariffs is a taxi ride of 8 kilometers in the day tariff. The taxi statistics for Germany published here may be freely used for publications, quoting as the source.