Taxi Statistic France

Taxi rates in France

  • Currently we have 38 taxi rates from France in our database
  • Taxi rate Strasbourg is valid for the longest time (since January 2019)
  • Taxi rate Angers was updated last (in April 2024)

Taxi costs in France

Cheapest Average Most expensive
Base fee €1.80 €1.80 $1.85


€6.77 €6.77 $6.98 €8.00 €8.00 $8.24


Kilometer price 2)

per kilometer

€1.59 €1.59 $1.64


€2.43 €2.43 $2.51 €3.54 €3.54 $3.64


Waiting time

per hour

€20.02 €20.02 $20.63


€30.75 €30.75 $31.68 €41.06 €41.06 $42.31


Most expensive 3)

1. Nice €28.30 €28.30 $29.16
2. Toulon €22.40 €22.40 $23.08
3. Grenoble €22.40 €22.40 $23.08
4. Perpignan €21.80 €21.80 $22.46
5. Lille €21.80 €21.80 $22.46
6. Tours €21.10 €21.10 $21.74
7. Le Havre €21.10 €21.10 $21.74
8. Amiens €20.90 €20.90 $21.53
9. Reims €20.90 €20.90 $21.53
10. Dijon €20.60 €20.60 $21.23

Cheapest 3)

1. Paris €12.70 €12.70 $13.09
2. Orleans €13.20 €13.20 $13.60
3. Aix-en-Provence €14.80 €14.80 $15.25
4. Rouen €15.60 €15.60 $16.07
5. Strasbourg €16.30 €16.30 $16.79
6. Montreuil €17.20 €17.20 $17.72
7. Boulogne-Billancourt €17.40 €17.40 $17.93
8. Lyon €18.30 €18.30 $18.86
9. Caen €18.40 €18.40 $18.96
10. Bouches-du-Rhône €18.70 €18.70 $19.27

2) Average kilometer price of the first 8 kilometers driven without any standing or waiting fees..
3) The basis for calculating the cheapest and most expensive tariffs is a taxi ride of 8 kilometers in the day tariff. The taxi statistics for France published here may be freely used for publications, quoting as the source.